It is about a dialect although some people refer to it as a language because they use it as their mother tongue. It is a communication way relatively young -between 1965 and 1970- what indicates that in a short period of time its importance has increased since there are thirty millions of people speaking it.
The advantages and disadvantages of Spanglish depend on the ideologies of each person. On this respect of the topic, two streams exist rightly different.
One of them indicate that Spanglish degrade languages. It is considered that each language must retain its linguistic and characteristics.
Another stand considers that using this dialect is not give the back to the origins of the mother tongues but there are specific circunstances and we must be flexible. Furthermore, its use speeds up the communication what is the most important of the languages.
Some advantages:
It favours and speedy up the communication.
It makes the incorporation of new technologies more dynamic. It is not necessary to wait for new translations are made and creating equivalences to the Spanish.
The process of appearance of new technologies happens in the following manner: the new product is sent from the mother tongue with his name in English and arrives to a limited group of technicians of some Speaking-country. Those people create a slang to communicate each other and with the more specialized clients. Sometimes the figure of a translator appears with the massive distribution.
A lot of times the public is used to the term in English and prefer it to the one in Spanish. That word does not often arrive to our mother tongue, producing in this way an idiomatic variation.
It helps to the international culture.
Some disadvantages:
· A global view of the culture.
· The introduction of English.
· Those Spanglish spokers have mistakes when they write or speak.
· The purity of the language start to be lost.
· The communication is helped in the case of both languages are known, and in the other way it hinders the communication. To someone who does not speak both languages is impossible to understand: El workshop sobre marketing comienza a las 10 y el break es a las 10:45; o: Alcánzame el notebook.
22 feb 2011
Another examples of Spanglish
This is a comic of a latino newspaper. Is a vignette published on the Ohio and Michigan´s Oldest and Largest Latino Newspaper.

Too exit a lot of song that use Spanglish. For example:
And there are some explanations online about Spanglish like:
Finally there is in America a channel only Spanglish. Is the Spanglish Channel Official Release.

Too exit a lot of song that use Spanglish. For example:
And there are some explanations online about Spanglish like:
Finally there is in America a channel only Spanglish. Is the Spanglish Channel Official Release.
How does affect nowadays?
The nowadays the Spanglish is being legitimized by contemporary writers, radio personalities, musicians, even politicians. Spanglish has few rules and many variations, hence, it is more vivid and exuberant confluence where languages such as the Spanish and English. The use of the phrases and sentences allow us to have conversations more fluid and dynamic, which allows the Spanglish is disseminated throughout the world by the different media, especially online.
We can see this example that belongs to television in Spain:
We can see this example that belongs to television in Spain:
Who speaks?
Despite Spanglish rapid spread, is still the language of young Hispanic lower-middle class. However, there is another group that aims to Spanglish, and these are the internet users. Given that the network began in California for years to navigate the lingua franca was English but if we consider that 25% of users use the Spanish, we can understand why the Spanglish is the perfect solution for adapting the English and Hispanicized. There is a dictionary, compiled by Yolanda Rivas, Texas, which aims to make life easier for speaking Internet users. The words are there take the root word and come together as if they were Spanish, as will be the end of the text in these examples:
- Deletear Borrar (to delete)
- Mailear Mandar un correo electrónico (e_mail)
- Surfear Navegar (to surf)
- Savear Guardar (to save)
Finally, it should be noted that although jargon, in the dialectic process, there are geographical variants in the U.S. and neighboring countries such as Mayamero (Spanglish spoken by Cubans in Miami), the New Yorrican (Spanglish of Puerto Ricans in New York City) and even the Chicano, in which the Mexicans speak a mixture of Spanglish Spanish in Mexico and the very special English spoken by Texans.
- Deletear Borrar (to delete)
- Mailear Mandar un correo electrónico (e_mail)
- Surfear Navegar (to surf)
- Savear Guardar (to save)
Finally, it should be noted that although jargon, in the dialectic process, there are geographical variants in the U.S. and neighboring countries such as Mayamero (Spanglish spoken by Cubans in Miami), the New Yorrican (Spanglish of Puerto Ricans in New York City) and even the Chicano, in which the Mexicans speak a mixture of Spanglish Spanish in Mexico and the very special English spoken by Texans.
Where is spoken?
Spanglish is produced by close border contact and large bilingual communities along the United States-Mexico border and California, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico, The City of New York, and Chicago. It is common in Panama, where the 96-year (1903-1999) U.S. control of the Panama Canal influenced much of local society, especially among the former residents of the Panama Canal Zone, the Zonians. It is also quite popular in Indooroopilly, Australia.
Tops on the list of other countries where Spanish is spoken is, of course, the United States, although it is a semi-official language in only one state (New Mexico). Well over 20 million U.S. residents have Spanish as a primary language, although most are bilingual. You'll find plenty of Spanish speakers with Mexican heritage along the southern U.S. border and in many agricultural areas throughout the country, those of Cuban heritage in Florida, and those of Puerto Rican heritage in New York City, just to name a few. Miami has the largest number of Spanish speakers in the western hemisphere outside Latin America, but you'll find plenty of communities all over that have high enough a concentration of hispanohablantes to support Spanish-language media and services.
Next on the list is Equatorial Guinea, the one place in Africa where Spanish remains an official language as a result of Spanish colonialism (the country was formerly known as Spanish Guinea). Most people there speak indigenous languages rather than Spanish, however. French also is an official language.
Last on the list of countries with a significant Spanish-language influence is the Philippines. Spanish was once an official language, although today there are only a few thousand who use it as their primary language. But the national language, Filipino, has adopted thousands of Spanish words into its vocabulary, and much of its phonetics follow the Spanish pattern.
Frequently words
Words borrowing from English to Spanish are more common, using false codes in their English senses, or calquing idiomatic English expressions. Some examples:
The first word is English, the second is Spanish and the last word is Spanglish
See you!-Hasta luego-Te veo
Watch TV-ver la TV-watch la TV/wachar la tv
To park a car(I park)(you park)-estacionar un coche(estaciono)(estacionas)-parquear el carro(parqueo)(parqueas)
Vacuum the carpet-aspirar la alfombra-vacunar la carpeta
I call you back-te vuelvo a llamar-te llamo para atrás
The roof of the building-el techo del edificio-el ruf del bíldin
Brakes-los frenos-los brakeslas brekas
To cool(I cool)(you cool)-enfriar(enfrío)(enfrías)-culear(culeo)(culeas)
To go shopping-ir de compras-ir de shopping
To enjoy(I enjoy)(you enjoy)-disfrutar(disfruto)(disfrutas)-enjoyar(enjoyo)(enjoyas)
Free(by the face)-gratis(por la cara)-baidefeis
No way-de ninguna manera-nogüey
To load-cargar-lodear
One more time(again)-otra vez(de nuevo)-uanmortaim(eguén)
To agree(I agree)(you agree)-estar de acuerdo(estoy de acuerdo)(estás de acuerdo)-agriar(agrío)(agrias)
To see(I see)(you see)-ver(veo)(ves)-siir(sío)(sias)
To believe(I believe)(you believe)-creer(creo)(crees)-bilivar(bilivo)(bilivas)
To disappoint(I disappoint)(you disappoint)-decepcionar(decepciono)(decepcionas)-disapuntar(disapunto)(disapuntas)
To mean(I mean)(you mean)-querer decir(quiero decir)(quieres decir)-minar(mino)(minas)
To argue(I argue)(you argue)-discutir(discuto)(discutes)-arguar(argúo)(arguas)
I go back-regreso-voy para atrás
The first word is English, the second is Spanish and the last word is Spanglish
See you!-Hasta luego-Te veo
Watch TV-ver la TV-watch la TV/wachar la tv
To park a car(I park)(you park)-estacionar un coche(estaciono)(estacionas)-parquear el carro(parqueo)(parqueas)
Vacuum the carpet-aspirar la alfombra-vacunar la carpeta
I call you back-te vuelvo a llamar-te llamo para atrás
The roof of the building-el techo del edificio-el ruf del bíldin
Brakes-los frenos-los brakeslas brekas
To cool(I cool)(you cool)-enfriar(enfrío)(enfrías)-culear(culeo)(culeas)
To go shopping-ir de compras-ir de shopping
To enjoy(I enjoy)(you enjoy)-disfrutar(disfruto)(disfrutas)-enjoyar(enjoyo)(enjoyas)
Free(by the face)-gratis(por la cara)-baidefeis
No way-de ninguna manera-nogüey
To load-cargar-lodear
One more time(again)-otra vez(de nuevo)-uanmortaim(eguén)
To agree(I agree)(you agree)-estar de acuerdo(estoy de acuerdo)(estás de acuerdo)-agriar(agrío)(agrias)
To see(I see)(you see)-ver(veo)(ves)-siir(sío)(sias)
To believe(I believe)(you believe)-creer(creo)(crees)-bilivar(bilivo)(bilivas)
To disappoint(I disappoint)(you disappoint)-decepcionar(decepciono)(decepcionas)-disapuntar(disapunto)(disapuntas)
To mean(I mean)(you mean)-querer decir(quiero decir)(quieres decir)-minar(mino)(minas)
To argue(I argue)(you argue)-discutir(discuto)(discutes)-arguar(argúo)(arguas)
I go back-regreso-voy para atrás
A brief history
The first indications of the existence and everyday use among English and Spanish in the United States occur during the first half of the nineteenth century, following the occurrence of two nations, two cultures and at that time, two opponents.
With over thirty-five million Latinos, America is one of the largest Hispanic populations in the world. From the mixture of Spanish with English, and with origins dating back to 1848 when Mexico sold part of its territory to that country, was born on Spanglish.
The political instability that characterized Mexico's independent life after the war that freed him from the Spanish Crown (1810-1821) was capitalized by the U.S. expansionist interests in a time when the purchase and conquest was still resources for the acquisition of territory by the imperialist nations. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo decreed in 1848 the sale of half of Mexican territory, the present states of California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah and parts of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, to end the American War. One hundred thousand Mexicans who left the north side of the new frontier suddenly became foreigners in their own land.
In this political and cultural rupture is followed by a series of events extending into the twentieth century, and which provide a passive presence of Spanish but ultimately live in this country. A broken Spanish force, dynamic, who had to mutate and adapt to their immediate universe a dimension that was written, read and spoken English. Here begins the merger.
In this flow of historical events that allowed the Spanish to stay here, includes the continued migration of peasants after the ravages of the Mexican Revolution (1910) are forced to move to agricultural activities in U.S. fields (1920). Years later, due to demand for labor by American involvement in World War II, this flow is formalized between the two governments to the agreement Bracero5 Program (1942-1964) In this same period of the twentieth century, the sons of peasants who came to the harvest season and had chosen to stay on this side, gave birth to the first generation of Mexican Americans. Thus arose the Chicano culture becomes more important where the linguistic code switching and mixing terms between the Spanish and English.
With over thirty-five million Latinos, America is one of the largest Hispanic populations in the world. From the mixture of Spanish with English, and with origins dating back to 1848 when Mexico sold part of its territory to that country, was born on Spanglish.
The political instability that characterized Mexico's independent life after the war that freed him from the Spanish Crown (1810-1821) was capitalized by the U.S. expansionist interests in a time when the purchase and conquest was still resources for the acquisition of territory by the imperialist nations. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo decreed in 1848 the sale of half of Mexican territory, the present states of California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah and parts of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, to end the American War. One hundred thousand Mexicans who left the north side of the new frontier suddenly became foreigners in their own land.
In this political and cultural rupture is followed by a series of events extending into the twentieth century, and which provide a passive presence of Spanish but ultimately live in this country. A broken Spanish force, dynamic, who had to mutate and adapt to their immediate universe a dimension that was written, read and spoken English. Here begins the merger.
In this flow of historical events that allowed the Spanish to stay here, includes the continued migration of peasants after the ravages of the Mexican Revolution (1910) are forced to move to agricultural activities in U.S. fields (1920). Years later, due to demand for labor by American involvement in World War II, this flow is formalized between the two governments to the agreement Bracero5 Program (1942-1964) In this same period of the twentieth century, the sons of peasants who came to the harvest season and had chosen to stay on this side, gave birth to the first generation of Mexican Americans. Thus arose the Chicano culture becomes more important where the linguistic code switching and mixing terms between the Spanish and English.
An introduction about Spanglish
Spanglish is a mixture of English and Spanish.
This is a hybrid speech that many see Spain as a curiosity. The word did not enter the latest edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, but already has a chair that looks at Amherst University of Massachusetts. The leads Ilan Stavans (Mexico, 1961)
In America, home to some 25 million people from Latin America, Spanglish has emerged as informal expression, street, the product of intense migratory flow in states like California, Texas, Florida and New York. In these regions, young in particular, speak Spanish at home and English everywhere else. Spanglish is a language contact occurs when two languages are similar incidence. However, there is something that usually occurs as large scale.
Gradually, this form of expression, nuanced regional road has been opened. Its popularity has grown, and what at one time was a fashion, a form of expression almost countercultural, it is now, for many, a necessity.
The diffusion of different ways of speaking Spanish and the growing influence of English language have made throughout Latin America are “internationalize” during this decade. Spanglish, then not only is absorbed in the United States.
This phenomenon also works in reverse; American artists also introduce Spanish into her songs.
Spanglish is no longer monopolized by orality, and the writing begins to take over from him. This is allowing the consolidation and, somehow, some legitimacy. If a few years ago was perceived as degradation Spanglish Spanish, today there are many experts who argue otherwise and defend the creativity and talent that implies a fully developed language.
Despite having transcended the oral language, it is difficult to undertake an official codification of Spanglish.
The process towards Castilianization can be slow. The Royal Spanish Language Academy is very subjective on what is allowed and what is not accepted.
This is a hybrid speech that many see Spain as a curiosity. The word did not enter the latest edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, but already has a chair that looks at Amherst University of Massachusetts. The leads Ilan Stavans (Mexico, 1961)
In America, home to some 25 million people from Latin America, Spanglish has emerged as informal expression, street, the product of intense migratory flow in states like California, Texas, Florida and New York. In these regions, young in particular, speak Spanish at home and English everywhere else. Spanglish is a language contact occurs when two languages are similar incidence. However, there is something that usually occurs as large scale.
Gradually, this form of expression, nuanced regional road has been opened. Its popularity has grown, and what at one time was a fashion, a form of expression almost countercultural, it is now, for many, a necessity.
The diffusion of different ways of speaking Spanish and the growing influence of English language have made throughout Latin America are “internationalize” during this decade. Spanglish, then not only is absorbed in the United States.
This phenomenon also works in reverse; American artists also introduce Spanish into her songs.
Spanglish is no longer monopolized by orality, and the writing begins to take over from him. This is allowing the consolidation and, somehow, some legitimacy. If a few years ago was perceived as degradation Spanglish Spanish, today there are many experts who argue otherwise and defend the creativity and talent that implies a fully developed language.
Despite having transcended the oral language, it is difficult to undertake an official codification of Spanglish.
The process towards Castilianization can be slow. The Royal Spanish Language Academy is very subjective on what is allowed and what is not accepted.
Hello, this is my blog about Spanglish. In this blog you could be a lot of information about Spanglish. I hope you find it useful.
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